Secret Missions and Rewards in Death Stranding

Secret Missions and Rewards in Death Stranding

Death Stranding is an action survival game directed by Hideo Kojima and developed by Kojima Productions. Played from a first-person perspective, this game offers players the experience of traveling through a challenging world. The game also includes secret missions and rewards.

What are Secret Missions and Rewards?

Secret missions are additional missions outside of Death Stranding’s main story that are difficult to find in the game. Completing these missions earns players different rewards. These rewards can be new equipment, vehicles and abilities.

Rewards provide a great advantage to progress in the game and overcome challenging obstacles. It also provides access to secret areas in the game and offers more content to players. Secret missions make the game even more fun and challenging and encourage players to explore the game world.

How to Find Secret Missions?

You need to be careful to find secret missions in Death Stranding. These quests can appear in secret areas in the game or when a certain level of characters is reached. Additionally, some missions may require players to collect certain items or reach a certain area.

However, some secret missions are revealed as a result of interactions with certain characters. Players can unlock new missions or rewards by interacting with other characters. Therefore, it is important to interact with and explore other characters in Death Stranding.

Rewards from Secret Missions

Players earn different rewards when completing secret missions in Death Stranding. These rewards can make players’ gameplay easier as well as speed up their progress. Here are the rewards that can be obtained from some secret missions in Death Stranding:

Mission Reward “The Lost Cargo” New equipment and vehicles “The Hidden Area” Extra abilities and power-ups “The Secret Delivery” New costumes and cosmetic items

These rewards make the experience of journeying through the world of Death Stranding even more immersive. New equipment, vehicles and abilities improve the game’s mechanics and give players more options.

Importance of Secret Missions

Secret missions are an important element that enriches Death Stranding’s gameplay and offers players more content. These missions encourage players to explore the game world and offer more play time. Additionally, secret missions may require players to think strategically and deepen the gaming experience.

Additionally, secret missions and rewards help players take a stronger position in the game world. Rewards make challenging tasks for players easier and increase their ability to fight the game’s enemies.


Death Stranding is an action survival game that offers a unique gaming experience. Secret missions and rewards increase the difficulty and fun of the game by providing players with more content, new equipment and abilities. To complete these missions and earn rewards, it is important for players to explore the world of Death Stranding and interact with other characters. These rewards extend players’ playing time and deepen the gaming experience.

Death Stranding is an action-adventure game designed and developed by Hideo Kojima. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world and offers players a mysterious story. Death Stranding has received great acclaim for its atmosphere, graphics and gameplay. However, there are many hidden missions and rewards in the game. In this article, we will give detailed information about the secret missions in Death Stranding and the rewards you can earn.

Secret Missions

There are many hidden missions in Death Stranding that can be explored outside of the main story. These quests often contain clues and puzzles hidden within the game world. Players can initiate these missions by going to specific points on the map. Secret missions provide an additional gameplay experience while encouraging players to explore the game world more deeply.

  • Sample Secret Mission 1: “Lost Cargo”
  • This mission is taken on by main character Sam Bridges and tasks the player with tracking down a lost cargo. Throughout the mission, the player tries to find the whereabouts of this lost cargo by passing through dangerous areas. This mission requires the player to think strategically and overcome challenging obstacles.

  • Sample Secret Mission 2: “Old Ruins”
  • In this mission, the player has the opportunity to explore ancient ruins. In the ruins, valuable items or a secret story may be found. Players try to complete secret missions and earn rewards by carefully exploring the ruins.

  • Sample Secret Mission 3: “Unusual Communication”
  • In this mission, the player tries to communicate with different characters. Different ways of communication may be tried and the player may need to make the right choices. This quest gives players the opportunity to interact with other players and create connections in the game world.


Players who complete secret missions in Death Stranding can earn various rewards. These rewards may contain various items that the player can use to enhance their gaming experience or strengthen their character.

Reward Description Extra Equipment Players who complete secret missions can receive special equipment. These equipment can help the player pass through difficult areas. Ability Points Completing secret missions grants skill points to the player’s character. These points can increase the character’s power or unlock new abilities. Item Rewards may also include valuable items that the player can use. These items can help the player gain an advantage in the game world.

Rewards provide additional motivation to the player and give the player a purpose to complete secret missions. Additionally, discovering secret missions and rewards increases the replayability of the game and draws players deeper.


Death Stranding stands out as a game that attracts attention with its mysterious story and unique gameplay. The game’s secret missions and rewards provide players with an additional gameplay experience and allow them to explore the game world more deeply. Players who complete secret missions can improve their characters and further enrich their gaming experience thanks to rewards. Death Stranding has become the favorite game of many gamers with its secret missions and rewards that successfully attract players and arouse curiosity.

How to Find the Secret Mission in Death Stranding?Death Stranding is an action-adventure game developed by Kojima Productions and released in 2019. In the game, we control Sam Porter Bridges, a courier who strives to connect isolated cities after an event that affects the whole world. In addition to the missions, the game also includes secret missions. Secret missions make the gaming experience even more exciting by providing players with extra challenges and rewards. In this article, we will discuss in detail what the secret missions in Death Stranding are, how they can be found, and the rewards of these missions. Secret missions are additional missions that players can discover and perform outside of the main missions. Completing these missions offers players the opportunity to better understand the game world and gain more experience. There are a few different ways to find hidden missions. First, talking to NPCs and listening to their clues is an effective method for uncovering hidden quests. NPCs can be found in different locations in the game world, and some can provide information about secret missions. A second method is to explore the game world. It is possible to find secret missions in some places or by searching for certain items. Additionally, following clues left by other players can also increase the chance of discovering potential secret missions. Secret missions add more detail to Death Stranding’s complex story, while also offering players a variety of rewards. These rewards include a variety of items such as new equipment, weapons, special costumes, more resources and experience points. Some secret missions offer players the opportunity to better explore the depths of the game world, while others may provide access to new levels or game mechanics. Therefore, finding and completing secret missions provides a very valuable experience for players. To give an example of secret missions; In a secret mission called “Lost Biker”, Sam must use his Ziplin equipment to find and help a lost biker. By completing this mission, players receive a powered companion and a powered weapon that can be mounted on the player’s back. In another secret mission called “Cosplayer”, players can unlock a special costume that provides additional distinction by collecting Costume Data Fragments. As a result, secret missions in Death Stranding are exciting additional missions that offer the opportunity to explore the game’s deep and rich universe. To find these quests, it is important to talk to NPCs, explore the environment, and follow clues left by players. Completing secret missions earns players various rewards and gaming experience. By exploring and completing these missions, you can take an even deeper journey into the amazing world of Death Stranding.


Death Stranding is an action adventure game developed and published by Hideo Kojima. Players manage Sam Porter Bridges, a courier in a post-apocalyptic world. The game also includes secret missions and rewards that can be obtained as a result of completing these missions. In this article, we will give detailed information about secret missions and rewards in Death Stranding.

Features of Secret Missions

Secret missions represent additional content outside of the main story that players must explore. These quests often help deepen the characters’ story and offer players the opportunity to explore the game world in more detail. Secret missions usually appear after a certain point in the main story or are unlocked when a certain level of progress is reached.

To find hidden missions, you may need to look for clues that catch your eye. These clues can be conversations of other characters in the game world, puzzles, or specific objects in the environment. By following the clues, you can reach secret missions and earn rewards.

Importance of Awards

Completing secret missions in Death Stranding earns players various rewards. These rewards may include equipment, abilities, or story-important information that can help players improve their gaming experience. Rewards can also speed up players’ progress or allow them to move more effectively through the game world.

The Best Secret Missions and Rewards in Death Stranding

Quest Name Reward “Lost Cargo” Extra equipment and resources “Memory Chip” Rare equipment and special costume parts “Optional Delivery” Research points and advanced communication network “Hidden Prepper” Additional information and story details

This table lists some of the best stealth missions in Death Stranding and their rewards. The “Lost Cargo” mission allows players to travel more efficiently by providing extra equipment and resources. The “Memory Chip” mission rewards players with rare equipment and special costume pieces. The “Optional Delivery” and “Hidden Prepper” missions offer the opportunity to explore the game world in more detail and provide players with additional information and story details.

Secret quests and rewards in Death Stranding can make players’ gaming experience richer and more satisfying. Each secret mission offers players different advantages and gives them the chance to explore the game world more deeply. Therefore, it is of great importance for players to pay attention to the secret missions in Death Stranding and earn their rewards.

Remember, to find the secret missions in Death Stranding, you need to be careful and explore the game world carefully. Each secret mission offers players a different experience and requires them to make efforts to get their rewards. Completing these missions offers players the opportunity to discover the mysteries of the game and improve themselves.

Death Stranding is a first-person action-adventure game set in a mysterious world. Players play Sam Bridges, an isolated courier in a broken society. Besides the main story missions, the game offers players secret missions. There are many advantages to completing these secret missions.

1. Special Items and Equipment

Completing secret missions in Death Stranding rewards players with special items and equipment. These items and equipment give the player more advantages as the game progresses. For example, a special weapon or carry equipment earned during stealth missions allows the player to fight enemies faster and more effectively.

2. High Value Prizes

Another advantage of completing secret missions is high value rewards. When players complete these secret missions, they earn high-value rewards such as more resources, money, or in-game items. These rewards can be used to complete more challenging missions or purchase higher-level equipment in the in-game shops.

3. A Deeper Story

Secret missions in Death Stranding offer players the opportunity to explore a more in-depth story of the game. These missions are often connected to the main story and allow players to explore more details of the game universe. In this way, it is possible to better understand the main story of the game and learn the reasons for the events occurring in the game.

4. Expansion of the Playground

Completing secret missions also helps expand the playing field. Players gain access to new areas when they complete some secret missions. These new regions offer more quests and exploration opportunities. Also, the chance of finding more resources or treasure in the game increases.

5. Increasing Difficulty and Unprecedented Excitement

Completing secret missions increases the difficulty level of the game and allows players to experience the excitement. These types of missions often present challenges such as facing more enemies or overcoming more difficult obstacles. Completing secret missions allows players to go beyond the calm and routine parts of the game and allows them to experience adrenaline-filled moments.

Secret Mission Reward Climb to the Mountaintop New climbing equipment Lost Cargo Extra resources Old Research Facility Discovery High level safety equipment

As in the examples above, each of the secret missions offers different rewards. These rewards help the player progress while also making the gaming experience richer.

Completing secret missions in Death Stranding provides players with many benefits. Advantages such as special items and equipment, high-value rewards, a deeper story, expanded playing field and increased difficulty allow players to fully explore the game and have a more exciting experience.

Death Stranding is an action game developed by famous game producer Hideo Kojima and released on the Playstation 4 platform. This game takes place in a post-apocalyptic world and our main character, Sam Bridges, is tasked with investigating the truth behind a mysterious event that puts humanity’s life in danger. The game features secret missions, also known as side missions, and special rewards that players can earn when they complete these missions.

Importance of Secret Missions

Death Stranding is an open world game with a fairly large map. Besides the main missions, players are offered many side missions. These side quests can provide players with many benefits, such as additional experience points, items, special equipment, and story elements. Secret missions add more depth to players and encourage them to explore the world of the game.

Secret missions are usually taken from characters that are connected to the main story. These missions can have various purposes, such as having the player travel to a specific area, transport supplies, repair communication lines, or fight against enemies. You can encounter various challenges while completing missions and explore the story of the game in depth.

Rewards for Secret Missions

Secret missions add a unique flavor to Death Stranding’s gameplay. As you complete these tasks, it is possible to earn special rewards. Rewards can be items, equipment, and abilities that will allow you to perform better later in the game.

Additionally, some secret missions may affect the game’s story and lead to the emergence of various side stories. These side stories further enrich the world of the game and delve deeper into the relationships between the characters.

Sample Secret Mission and Reward

As an example, let’s take a secret mission called “Lost Packages”. In this mission, the player has to deliver various cargoes to different points. When you complete the mission, you receive a new backpack as a reward, which can have a larger carrying capacity. This helps the player carry more items in future missions.


Death Stranding offers players a deep gaming experience with secret missions and their rewards. Secret missions allow players to explore the game world, better understand the story, and interact with characters. Rewards provide players with new abilities, equipment and advantages. By discovering secret missions in Death Stranding, players can further immerse themselves in this immersive world.

Secret Missions and Rewards in Death Stranding, What are the Rewards for Secret Missions in Death Stranding?, How to Find the Secret Mission in Death Stranding?, What are the Best Secret Missions and Rewards in Death Stranding?, Advantages of Completing Secret Missions in Death Stranding What are they?,What is a Secret Mission in Death Stranding?

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