Rage 2’s In-Game Economy and Resource Management

Rage 2’s In-Game Economy and Resource Management


Rage 2 is an action game released by developer Avalanche Studios and publisher Bethesda Softworks. In the game set in a post-apocalyptic world, players can freely navigate the open world, complete quests and fight enemies. Another important feature of the game is the economy and resource management system. In this article, Rage 2’s in-game economy and resource management will be examined in detail.

In-Game Economy

In Rage 2, there are two main in-game currencies available to players: money and project parts. Money allows players to purchase weapons and equipment, upgrade their vehicles, and improve their driving skills, while project parts are used to unlock rarer high-quality equipment. Players can earn in-game currency by completing missions, killing enemies, or collecting chests from hidden spots on the world map.

The currency used in the game is displayed on the players’ user interface and is used when they want to purchase any items or equipment. Different vendors are located in various parts of the game world and each sell different items. Some sellers specialize only in a certain type of items, while others carry a wide range of items. The player can find the most suitable vendor according to his needs and buy the items he is looking for by spending the currency.

In addition, the merchants in the game allow players to earn money by selling their excess items. The value of the items given to merchants varies depending on the quality and usefulness of the items. By checking their inventory regularly, players can sell unwanted or excess items. In this way, they can both empty their inventory and earn more money.

Resource Management

Resource management in Rage 2 requires players to effectively use resources such as health, ammo, fuel, and equipment. In the game, players can replenish health kits, ammunition and other needs by killing enemies or collecting resources from points on the world map. Additionally, players can obtain fuel for their vehicles from gas stations around the world or from enemies they kill.

Exploring the game world offers players the opportunity to find and collect new resources. Chests and other secret spots located in the world may contain rare and valuable resources. Players will need these resources as they will encounter stronger enemies in the later stages of the game. Resource management at this point requires players to effectively gather and use the resources they need.


Rage 2’s in-game economy and resource management is an important element that requires a strategic approach from players. By effectively using currency and project parts, players can strengthen their characters and vehicles, purchase new equipment and deal with tough enemies. They also learn to use resources such as health, ammunition and fuel correctly by using resource management skills. In this way, players can perform better as the difficulty level of the game increases.


  • Rage 2 Official Website
  • Rage 2 Wikipedia Page
  • PC Gamer Rage 2 Review

Source Description Rage 2 Official Website Website with official information about Rage 2 Rage 2 Wikipedia Page Wikipedia page with general information about Rage 2 PC Gamer Rage 2 Review A review of Rage 2 by PC Gamer

Hello dear players! In today’s article, we will take a closer look at the in-game economy and resource management of Rage 2, the open world action game that has gained great popularity recently. We will discuss in detail how the valuable items in the game are evaluated and sold.

In-Game Economy

Rage 2’s in-game economy is built around a system where players earn and spend “bane shards”, currency in the game world. These pieces can be obtained through activities such as defeating enemies in the game world, completing quests, or opening treasure chests in special places.

There are many ways to earn these disaster pieces. The first way is for players to complete tasks in the game world and thus earn money by collecting pieces as the story progresses. The second way is to defeat the enemies and loot their corpses. Enemies benefit players by dropping various valuable items at different difficulty levels.

Apart from this, Rage 2’s in-game economy also offers the opportunity to make purchases through merchants and vendors located in the game world. Players can purchase the weapons, ammunition, power-ups, and other items they need for disaster shards.

Resource Management

Resource management in Rage 2 aims to gain an advantage by using the limited resources in the game against enemies. These resources include important items such as ammunition, health packs, armor parts, and vehicle fuel.

Ammunition is integral to the player’s ability to use their weapons. There is a limited amount of ammunition the player can carry with them and must be used tactically to take out enemies during combat. It is important for players to collect weapons dropped from enemies to exchange ammunition and preserve resources.

Health packs are used to replenish the player’s health. It is important to have enough of these packs to repair wounds you receive during battle or to survive a serious injury. Players can purchase or collect health packs from merchants or found when defeating enemies.

Armor pieces are used to increase the player’s durability and defensive abilities. The effects of armor pieces and power-ups must be learned by exploring the resources and vendors available in the game world.

Vehicle fuel is required to move the player’s vehicle, called a combat vehicle, which they can use in the navigable world. Vehicle fuel can be obtained at stations or from missions and is an important resource that players must use carefully.

Valuation and Selling of Items

Rage 2 features a variety of events and missions that allow players to earn experience points and disaster shards. Valuable items obtained from these events can be used to increase players’ experience levels, acquire new abilities, and purchase more powerful equipment.

Selling valuable items allows players to earn extra money. Players can sell these items to merchants or other players and obtain disaster shards. The market value of valuable items varies according to the economic balance of the game and may increase or decrease depending on players’ demands. It is important to sell the right items at the right time to make sales and increase purchasing power.

Item Value Perfect Weapon 1000 disaster shards Booster 500 disaster shards Premium Health Pack 200 disaster shards High-Quality Armor Part 800 disaster shards

The values ​​given in the table above are given as examples of some items available in the game. These values ​​were determined based on the economy structure determined by the developers of the game. Players should try to earn the highest income by selling their valuables according to these rates.

As a result, Rage 2’s in-game economy and resource management are based around players earning and spending disaster shards, which are currency in the game world. Correctly evaluating and selling valuable items increases players’ economic power, allowing them to have better equipment and abilities. In this way, players can overcome higher-level challenges and progress successfully in the game world.

Rage 2 is an exciting and action-packed open world game. In this game, players control the character Young Walker, completing various missions and fighting enemies while trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. During this time, players will need a number of resources. In this article, I will give detailed information about Rage 2’s in-game economy and resource management.

In-Game Currency: Feltrite

Money, as in every open world game, is the key element players need to access resources and equipment. The currency of Rage 2 is Feltrite. Feltrite is a rare mineral found in the game world. It can be found in wind turbines, cave systems, and other resource spots. Players can collect Feltrite by exploring these locations and defeating enemies.

Feltrite has several different uses. First, players can use Feltrite to purchase special equipment and weapons. In the game, powerful weapons and solid armor are needed to go further. Another use for Feltrite is vehicle upgrades. Having a faster and armored vehicle helps players travel around the map faster and defeat enemies more effectively.

Side Quests and Rewards

Another factor that affects Rage 2’s in-game economy is side quests. In addition to completing main quests, players can also earn additional Feltrite by completing side quests. Side quests usually come from NPCs and have various challenges and stories. Completing these side quests gives players access to extra resources and rewards.

The resources obtained in side quests offer many things that players can spend to strengthen and further improve themselves. For example, players can purchase new weapons, bullets or vehicle upgrades. Additionally, the amount of Feltrite accumulated in side quests can affect players’ progress in the game.

Damage Increase and Attack Abilities

While Rage 2 is an action-packed game, it requires players to use a variety of offensive abilities to defeat their enemies. Improving these attack abilities can give players extra advantages and make them more effective in the game.

Resources needed to improve offensive abilities In addition to Feltrite, Rage 2 also has some other resources. For example, Nanotrite energy is used in conjunction with offensive abilities, granting abilities such as dealing increased damage or freezing and controlling enemies. The resources required for nanotrite energy are scattered in random places in the game world. Players must explore and succeed in challenges to collect these resources.

General Resource Management Tips

Effectively managing resources in a game is crucial to progress. In Rage 2, players must use and manage their resources correctly. Here are a few general resource management tips:

  • Spend resources carefully and do not waste money unnecessarily.
  • Earn additional resources by completing side quests.
  • Take advantage of the resources found in hidden areas in the game by exploring.
  • First, buy the equipment and weapons you need.
  • Gather the resources needed to improve your offensive abilities.


Rage 2 is an action-packed game where players struggle to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. In-game economy and resource management are important elements where players must effectively use Feltrite and other resources to progress. Completing side quests, improving attack abilities, and managing resources correctly will help players succeed in Rage 2.

Resource Utilization Feltrite Special equipment, weapons and vehicle upgrades Nanotrite energy Improve offensive abilities

Rage 2 is an exciting action game and also has an in-game economy and resource management system. This system requires players to collect and manage the resources they need as they progress through the game world. In this article, we will provide detailed information about Rage 2’s in-game economy and trading mechanics.

What is In-Game Economy?

An in-game economy is a resource and trading system used in a video game. Players make economic decisions when collecting, selling, trading and using resources in the game world. These resources are usually obtained from in-game markets or from enemies.

In Rage 2, players must collect various resources to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. These resources can be used for purposes such as weapon upgrades, vehicle improvements and character development.

Resources and Trade

In Rage 2, there are various resources that players need. These resources can be obtained from underground tunnels, garbage, vehicles and enemies discovered in the game world. Resources include fuel, ammunition, parts and money. These resources can be valuable to players in various in-game markets.

Players can earn money by selling resources to markets or buy the resources they need. Players can also trade to obtain the resource they need from another player. In addition to barter, valuable resources can also be given as rewards when certain tasks are completed or secret areas are discovered.

Trade and Economic Decisions

In Rage 2, players must make economic decisions when trading. For example, if a particular resource is rarely available in a market, the value of that resource may increase. In this case, players may get an opportunity to collect this resource and then sell it at a higher price.

Likewise, players should not spend too much money or resources to buy or trade a resource they may need later. By economic stockpiling, players can accumulate resources to meet their future needs.

Resource Management

It is important for players to manage their resources effectively to progress in the game and increase their power. Optimizing resources according to their needs allows players to buy more powerful weapons, upgrade their vehicles or improve their characters.

Additionally, players must use resources wisely to survive in a wild world. For example, being left without a vehicle due to fuel burning can deprive players of important benefits such as exploration or fast travel.

Resource Uses Fuel Vehicle use Ammo Use in battle Parts Vehicle and weapon upgrades Money Market purchases and bartering


Rage 2 offers players a rich experience with its in-game economy and resource management systems. Players must think strategically when gathering resources, trading, and making economic decisions. By using resource management skills, players can become stronger and achieve success in an exciting game.

In the gaming world, in-game economy and resource management are vital to the success of a game. Rage 2 is one of the leading games of its genre, with an impressive handle on in-game economy and resource management. In this article, we will discuss Rage 2’s in-game economy and resource management issues in detail.

In-Game Economy

Rage 2 offers players many different resources within the game. These resources can be used to improve the player’s character’s abilities, upgrade their weapons, modify their vehicles, and more. Players can obtain these resources by earning in-game rewards or completing missions. The in-game economy focuses on how players earn resources, spend them, and improve them as the game progresses.

First, players must complete repetitive tasks to obtain resources. These missions require players to navigate the game world, fight enemies and achieve objectives. As they complete missions, players earn XP points, money and other important resources.

Rage 2 uses a main currency to gain access to resources. This currency is a special resource called Nanotritt that players can use to upgrade their abilities and improve their weapons. Players can obtain Nanotritt by completing quests, killing enemies, or trading with other players.

Resource Management

Resource management in Rage 2 requires players to use the resources they obtain effectively and efficiently. This involves players deciding which abilities to improve, which weapons to upgrade, and what modifications to make.

First, players need to use resources to improve their character’s abilities. There are many different abilities available in Rage 2, and players should think carefully to choose the ones that best suit their needs. Besides abilities, players also need to upgrade their weapons and vehicles. This helps players defeat enemies with more powerful weapons and explore the world with faster vehicles.

Players also have the opportunity to trade and interact with other players to put their resources to good use. Trading means that players can exchange or sell resources they do not need with others. This way, players can cooperate with other players to obtain the resources they need.


Rage 2 is a game that offers a successful experience in in-game economy and resource management. The game offers players repetitive quests, trading, and interacting with other players to obtain resources. Additionally, players need to use their resources effectively and improve their characters, weapons, and vehicles. In this way, players become stronger in the game world and successfully complete more challenging missions.

Video games are a great opportunity to pass the time, have fun, and sometimes escape from the chaos of real life. Many of these games offer you resources to strengthen your character and complete challenging missions. An important aspect of being a good player is managing resources effectively, as this is necessary to obtain the best weapons and equipment.

What is In-Game Economy?

The in-game economy is the structure by which a game’s currency and resource system is managed. The money or other resources you earn in the game are used to strengthen your character, buy or upgrade equipment, acquire new weapons and become more effective. Rage 2 features an extensive in-game economy, allowing players to give themselves an advantage in the game world.

Resource Management Strategies

It is important to manage your resources correctly to get the best weapons. Here are some tips for resource management strategies in Rage 2:

1. Complete Missions:

The game includes quests and side quests. When you complete these missions you earn money and other rewards. Completing missions can be the fastest way to save money and obtain other resources needed for better weapons. Additionally, you can strengthen your character and become a more effective player with the skill points you gain from various missions.

2. Explore Rich Resource Areas:

Rage 2 has a vast world to explore. There are rich resource areas in various regions of the game. You can obtain additional resources, weapons or equipment in these areas. Examine the map carefully and explore to find resource rich areas. As you explore these areas, you can manage your resources more effectively and gain access to more powerful weapons.

3. Upgrade Equipment:

Upgrading the weapons and equipment you obtain allows you to increase your level and become stronger. Improving your own weapons allows you to defeat your enemies more effectively. Therefore, by allocating your resources to weapon upgrades, you can gain advantages that will make you more successful in the game.

4. Do Research:

It is important to do research to obtain new weapons and equipment. After reaching a certain point in the game, you can access a research base. This base allows you to conduct research that will give you more powerful weapons and equipment. By investing your resources in these researches, you can manage them strategically to obtain better weapons.

5. Join the Arenas of Courage:

Bravery arenas offer additional rewards and challenging challenges in the game. By joining these arenas, you can fight tough enemies and win rewards. Rewards can include money, skill points, and even rare weapons. Bravery arenas are a great opportunity to test your resources and abilities.

Resource Management Strategies: 1. Complete quests 2. Explore resource rich areas 3. Upgrade equipment 4. Conduct research 5. Participate in bravery arenas

Rage 2 offers an impressive in-game economy and resource management system. Using the above strategies, you can properly direct your resources to get the best weapons and equipment. Remember, good resource management is a critical factor in strengthening your character and successfully completing the game’s most challenging missions. Now, use your strategies to fight against your enemies and dominate the destructive world of Rage 2!

Rage 2’s In-Game Economy and Resource Management, Evaluation and Selling of Items in Rage 2, How to Make Money in Rage 2?, What You Need to Know About the Economic System and Trade in Rage 2, How to Ensure Effective Use of In-Game Resources?, Resource Management Strategies: How to Get the Best Weapons?

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