Dynasty Warriors 9 How to Level Up Fast?

Dynasty Warriors 9 How to Level Up Fast?

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a hack and slash action game developed by Koei Tecmo and Omega Force. This game offers players the opportunity to explore a vast open world filled with epic battles, playing as a warrior during the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. It is important to level up quickly to make progress and become stronger in the game. In this article, we will explain in detail below how you can level up quickly in Dynasty Warriors 9.

1. Complete Main Story Quests

To progress through the game quickly, you should focus on the main story missions first. Main quests are usually filled with higher level enemies, and you can earn more experience points by defeating these enemies. As you complete main story missions, you gain new abilities, items, and power-ups.

2. Do Side Quests

Side quests allow you to gain extra experience points and help you obtain new items, weapons and skills. Look for side quests on the map and take your time to complete them. Side quests are a great opportunity to level up as you progress through the main story.

3. Change Characters Often

You can choose multiple characters in Dynasty Warriors 9. Each character has different abilities and weapons. Switching characters frequently ensures that all characters gain experience, so you can progress faster in leveling up. Additionally, you can experience different abilities using each character and take full advantage of the game’s diversity.

4. Use Combination Attacks

Combination attacks quickly neutralize enemies and allow you to earn more points. Chain your enemies using combo attacks and take down as many enemies as possible. This not only helps you gain more experience to level up, but also reduces enemy combat power.

5. Use Skills and Power-Ups

There are many abilities and power-ups available in the game. These are important tools that you should use to gain an advantage during battle and level up faster. Use skills and power-ups effectively while fighting enemies and perform more powerful attacks beyond ordinary attacks.

6. Capture Enemy Camps

Enemy camps are places where food, weapons, and other important items are located. By capturing these camps, you can earn more experience points and level up faster. Attack and track down the enemies you encounter to capture camps so you can take control of a large camp.

7. Apply Strategic Battle Tactics

Using strategic battle tactics is important to level up. You need to master the game’s combat mechanics. Follow the instructions given in main story missions or side missions and use effective strategies against enemies. Also, don’t forget to gain advantage by using your allies effectively.

8. Improve Items and Weapons

Upgrading items and weapons can increase your power level and help you level up faster. Upgrade your items and weapons using trade and craft items available in the game. This will give you more strength and durability and help you defend better against tougher enemies.

Summary Step 1 Complete Main Story Quests 2 Do Side Quests 3 Switch Characters Frequently 4 Use Combination Attacks 5 Use Skills and Power-Ups 6 Capture Enemy Camps 7 Implement Strategic Battle Tactics 8 Upgrade Items and Weapons

In this article, we have explained some important steps you can follow to level up faster in Dynasty Warriors 9. By focusing on the main story and side quests, changing characters frequently and applying strategic battle tactics, you can gain a significant advantage in leveling up. Additionally, using skills and power-ups effectively and improving items and weapons will also help you level up. We hope this article helps you and makes your adventure in Dynasty Warriors 9 more enjoyable.

Hello Warriors! In a game that accompanies the greatest wars in Chinese history, it is important to have quick leveling strategies to successfully complete assigned missions and gain the upper hand over your enemies. Dynasty Warriors 9, the latest game in the series, offers you an open world experience like you’ve never seen before. In this article, we will review the best characters and strategies that will help you level up fast in Dynasty Warriors 9.

1. Zhao Yun

Zhao Yun is one of the best characters to level up quickly in the game. It attracts attention with its speed and attack power. Zhao Yun also has impressive mobility and can easily defeat your enemies. He is an effective character, especially in battles with cavalry units. By choosing Zhao Yun, you can defeat many enemies and level up quickly.

2. Lu Bu

Lu Bu is one of the strongest characters in the game, making him a great choice for players looking to level up quickly. His physical strength and durability are extraordinary, and he has a large attack radius. Controlling Lu Bu will allow you to defeat tough enemies with ease. However, Lu Bu’s speed is low, so dodging enemies may be more difficult. However, thanks to its power, you can level up quickly.

3.Sun Shangxiang

Sun Shangxiang is a character balanced in speed and attack power. He is famous for his archery skills and can neutralize enemies from afar. Additionally, it has high maneuverability with the ability to move quickly. When using Sun Shangxiang’s abilities, you can increase your level by quickly defeating enemies.

4. Xiao Qiao

Xiao Qiao is one of the fastest characters in the game. It is ideal for defeating enemies with its speed and hitting speed. Additionally, Xiao Qiao can perform poison attacks against enemies, making him more effective. Thanks to her fast attacks and mobility, you can quickly level up with Xiao Qiao by defeating enemies one by one.

5. Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu is one of the most balanced characters in the game. Since he is a fast-moving character, he is ideal for escaping from enemies and can also attack impressively with his melee abilities. Zhou Yu’s abilities make it easier to combat various types of enemies. By playing with him, you can quickly pass the battles and have a fun experience while leveling up.

Fast Leveling Strategies

Here are some strategies you can use to level up fast in Dynasty Warriors 9:

  • Explore the game world and complete side quests. Side quests give extra experience points and valuable items.
  • Use horses that specialize in defense or attack.
  • Take advantage of teamwork by cooperating with other characters.
  • Buy good equipment and improve your skills with the script system.
  • Actively use special abilities and super attacks to quickly defeat your enemies.


Dynasty Warriors 9 offers you many opportunities to level up quickly by controlling the best characters. Characters like Zhao Yun, Lu Bu, Sun Shangxiang, Xiao Qiao, and Zhou Yu are the best options to level up quickly in the game. However, remember that you need to use your characters effectively and think strategically. Completing side quests, working as a team, and obtaining good equipment will also help you level up quickly. We wish you all success, Warriors!

Hello Dynasty Warriors fans! Today I will give you some tips and tricks to level up fast in Dynasty Warriors 9. This guide will help you progress through the game faster and become a powerful warrior. Let’s start!

1. Complete Side Quests

Side missions give you great advantages in Dynasty Warriors 9. Completing side quests earns you more experience points and items. Also, in side missions you can sometimes unlock new abilities or get more powerful weapons. You will be able to level up faster by prioritizing side missions.

2. Item and Weapon Upgrade

You can improve your items and weapons with the materials you obtain from enemies and chests in the game. Advanced items and weapons deal more damage and give you a huge advantage. Upgrading your items and weapons regularly will allow you to become stronger and level up faster.

3. Upgrade Your Allies

Raising the levels of your allies fighting alongside you also gives you a great advantage. As allies get higher level, they have more powerful and effective attacks. You can quickly level up your allies by constantly supporting and helping them.

4. Use Big Battles

Each character has a unique Grand Battle ability. Using these skills correctly gives you a great advantage. Grand Battle abilities deal massive damage to enemies and grant you extra experience points and rewards. You will be able to level up quickly by using Grand Battle abilities frequently.

5. Complete Achievements

There are many achievements in Dynasty Warriors 9. Completing achievements earns you extra experience points and rewards. Some achievements also allow you to unlock new abilities. You can level up faster by taking the time to complete all achievements.

6. Use Strategic Maps

Each region has a map and contains strategic points. You can defeat your enemies more effectively by attacking these strategic points. When you capture one of the strategic points, you can defeat the enemies around you faster and gain more experience points.

7. Use Experience Points

You can use the experience points you gained during the battle in experience points. Distributing experience points correctly allows you to progress stronger and faster. Use experience points effectively to work on your offensive abilities or strengthen your other attributes such as health and defense.

8. Try Various Characters

There are many different character options in Dynasty Warriors 9. Trying different characters diversifies your gaming experience and gives you an advantage. Remember that each character has different abilities and combat styles. You can improve your skills and level up faster by playing with different characters.


There are some quick ways to level up quickly in Dynasty Warriors 9. By using the tips mentioned above, you can progress faster, become stronger, and have a more exciting gaming experience. You can quickly level up by discovering new characters and completing achievements while improving your skills. I wish you continued success!

Hello Dynasty Warriors fans! If you want to get a head start on the battlefield and dominate your enemies, you’re in the right place. In this article, we will cover the most effective strategies to level up quickly in Dynasty Warriors 9. These strategies will give you an advantage by addressing different aspects of the game and will make your leveling process easier.

1. Complete missions

In Dynasty Warriors 9, missions grant large amounts of experience points when accomplished. In addition to completing the main story missions, you should also focus on side missions. Finishing side quests helps you unlock new equipment, abilities, and characters. In this way, you will become stronger and gain superiority over your enemies.

2. Earn Tactical Points (TP)

Tactical Points (TP) are a very important resource in Dynasty Warriors 9. You can earn XP by participating in various events and completing missions. By using XP correctly, you can improve your special abilities and gain an advantage in battle. For example, you can use TP to make a quick attack or stun the enemy.

3. Improve Your Equipment During Battle

Constantly improving your equipment is one of the most effective ways to increase your power. You can buy your equipment from NPCs or shops. They may also drop items after defeating your enemies. Using more powerful equipment will give you a huge advantage in battle and help you level up faster.

4. Manage Your Team Correctly

Managing your team properly is also a critical part of leveling up quickly. Build your team by observing your characters’ abilities and weapons. Each character has different strengths, so choose the ones that will benefit you the most in battle. Also pay attention to the relationships between characters to ensure the team works in harmony.

5. Attend Events

You can earn additional experience points by participating in regular events in Dynasty Warriors 9. To participate in these events, you can talk to the guides in the game or follow the signs on the map. Completing events helps you earn additional equipment and rewards and speeds up your leveling process.

Strategy Description Complete missions Focus on side missions rather than main story missions. This will give you more experience. Earn Tactical Points (TP) Earn TP by completing missions or participating in events. Gain an advantage in battle by using XP correctly. Improve your equipment Constantly improve your equipment. Using stronger equipment gives you an advantage in battle. Manage your team correctly Observe your characters’ strengths and create your team accordingly. Gain advantage by ensuring team harmony. Participate in events Participate in regular events by talking to guides or following signs on the map. This will give you additional experience points.

Remember, patience and strategy are key to leveling up quickly in Dynasty Warriors 9. By following the strategies mentioned above, you can gain superiority over your enemies and facilitate your rapid rise on the battlefield. Good luck!

Hello fighting lovers! Welcome to the world of the legendary game series Dynasty Warriors 9. But this time, our goal is to level up quickly and turn into stronger warriors. Luckily, we have a few tips to guide you on this journey. Side Quests and Side Quests, in particular, play a big role in fast leveling tactics. Are you ready? Lets start then!

Progress through Main Story Quests

Yes, you may be in another world, but it is important to complete the main story missions to level up quickly. Main story missions allow you to earn experience points by fighting against higher level enemies. It also allows you to explore new areas and gain access to more side quests.

Focus on Side Quests

Side Quests are one of the keys to leveling up quickly. There are many Side Quests on the map and you can earn plenty of experience points by completing these quests. Side Quests also allow you to earn more equipment, weapons and rewards. So, it is an important place that will help you become a strong warrior.

  • Discover Side Quests and become stronger as you complete missions.

  • Check out the Side Quests frequently and complete the tasks assigned to you.

  • Unlock new Side Quests by talking to people and exploring the map.

Don’t forget to explore

Dynasty Warriors 9 has a vast open world and exploring is a huge advantage. As you explore new areas and side quests, your chances of earning more experience points and rewards increase. Therefore, from time to time, put aside the main story missions and take the time to explore the map.

You can earn more experience points and rewards by participating in challenges and capturing regions.

Use Weapon Transformation for Strong Warriors

You can use the Weapon Transformation feature to transform into powerful warriors. Weapon Transformation allows you to replace your existing weapons with more powerful ones. In this way, you can deal more damage to enemies and level up faster.

WarriorWeaponRequiredWeaponToTransformXu ShuWooden Cane (Lv. 1)Armored Tippler (Lv. 2)Ma ChaoAngry Dragon (Lv. 1)Shining Storm (Lv. 2)Zhao YunGhost Knife (Lv. 1)Stone Hard Pocket Knife (Lv. 2)

Improve Your Weapons and Equipment

A warrior’s strength is determined by the weapons and equipment he uses. Therefore, it is important to improve your weapon and equipment before going into battle. Higher level weapons and equipment give you a huge advantage over your opponents.

  • Get better weapons and equipment by defeating high-level warriors.

  • Update and improve the equipment you obtain.

  • Choose weapons based on the characters’ special abilities.


Side Quests and Side Quests are of great importance to level up quickly in Dynasty Warriors 9. While completing the main story missions, you must also explore new areas and complete Side Quests. Weapon transformation and equipment development are also vital steps for powerful warriors. By following these tactics, you can achieve your goal of Fast Leveling by becoming a powerful warrior. Good luck!

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a game known for its action-packed battle scenes and in-depth character development. Leveling up quickly in the game is an important step in having stronger abilities and being able to prevail in difficult battles. It is possible to speed up leveling up by choosing the right equipment and weapons. In this article, we will give detailed information on how to level up quickly in Dynasty Warriors 9 by choosing equipment and weapons.

Equipment Selection

One of the important ways to quickly increase your character’s level in the game is by choosing the right equipment. Equipment may have bonus features that will increase your character’s combat abilities, making it easier to overcome your opponents in battles.

  • Choose armor suitable for battle: Armor increases your character’s durability, providing protection against further damage. Different types of armor can offer different bonuses, so choose an appropriate armor considering your character’s combat style.
  • Choose equipment that offers as many bonuses as possible: Equipment can grant different abilities or strengthen existing abilities. In order to speed up leveling up, it will be advantageous for you to choose equipment with high bonus features.
  • Upgrade equipment regularly: You can upgrade your equipment and increase their power with the materials you obtain in the game. In this way, you become a more effective warrior and speed up leveling up.

Weapon Selection

Weapon selection is one of the most important factors that determine your character’s combat abilities in Dynasty Warriors 9. Your weapon greatly affects your character’s dexterity and attack power. It is possible to speed up leveling by choosing the right weapon.

  • Choose a weapon that suits your character’s abilities: Different weapon types provide different abilities. By choosing a weapon that suits your character’s battle style, you can increase your attack power and speed up leveling up.
  • Opt for weapons that enhance the “Musou” ability: Musou is an important combat ability of the Dynasty Warriors series. Choosing weapons marked with this ability will allow you to inflict more damage on your opponents in battles and speed up leveling up.
  • Try different weapon combinations: A character in the game has the ability to carry more than one weapon. By trying different weapon combinations, you can increase your character’s attack abilities and gain superiority in battles.

Equipment and Weapon Selection Tips

To make a proper choice of equipment and weapons, you can consider the following tips:

Tip Description Check the equipment earned in battles. You can earn better equipment by checking the equipment you get from enemies in battles. Collect equipment that has a certain bonus. Some equipment provides certain bonus features. By combining these bonuses, you can strengthen your character’s abilities. Unlock more powerful equipment by leveling up. Higher level characters have a chance to unlock more powerful equipment. Therefore, you can get better equipment by focusing on leveling up. Focus on powerful weapons. Weapons with high attack power and bonus properties help you speed up leveling up.

To summarize, choosing the right equipment and weapons is important to speed up leveling in Dynasty Warriors 9. Choosing equipment with high bonus features increases your character’s combat power, while using as powerful weapons as possible accelerates leveling up. By keeping these tips in mind, you can improve your character faster and prevail in difficult battles.

How to Level Up Fast in Dynasty Warriors 9?,Best Characters to Level Up Fast in Dynasty Warriors 9,Quick Ways to Earn Battle Points in Dynasty Warriors 9,The Most Effective Strategies to Level Up Fast,Level Up Fast with Side Quests and Side Quests Speeding Up Leveling by Choosing Tactics, Equipment and Weapons

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