Dynasty Warriors 9 Best Battle Combos and Chains

Dynasty Warriors 9 Best Battle Combos and Chains

Dynasty Warriors series is an action game based on historical events and offering the opportunity to fight with famous Chinese generals. Dynasty Warriors 9, the latest game, offers players new mechanics and battle combos. In this article, we have compiled the best battle combos and chains you can use in Dynasty Warriors 9.

1. Simple Attack Chain

The most basic attack chain that players should try for beginners consists of a simple combo. In this combo, you’ll start with your character’s basic attack and then continue with additional attacks. The purpose of this combo is to leave enemies defenseless and deal heavy damage to them.

Combo Step Move Step 1 Attack (Basic Move) Step 2 Additional attack Step 3 Additional attack Step 4 Additional attack

The most important point of this combo is to watch your enemies’ reactions and adjust your attacks according to the situation. You can apply effective strategies, such as blocking the enemy’s attack or performing a powerful attack when knocked down.

2. Rapid Action Chain

In this combo, your character will quickly attack enemies using fast movements. Fast movements aim to surprise and damage enemies while also bypassing their defense system. You will break the resistance of your enemies with fast and deadly attacks.

Combo Step Move Step 1 Attack (Quick Move) Step 2 Additional quick move Step 3 Additional fast move Step 4 Additional fast move

When using this combination, you should be careful not to decrease your character’s durability. You need to act very quickly to neutralize the enemy. When applying this combo, it will be effective to catch the times when the enemy is vulnerable.

3. Sealing Chain

Sealing chain is a combo that restricts enemies’ abilities, leaving them helpless. In this combo, you will break your enemy’s defenses and seal them, neutralizing their attacks.

Combo Step Move Step 1 Attack (Sealing Move) Step 2 Additional sealing move Step 3 Additional sealing move Step 4 Additional sealing move

This combination is based on sealing the enemy’s abilities by specifically weakening them. When executing this combo, it is important to negate the enemy attack and predict their moves. You should also use each step of the combo with the right timing.

In this article, we have reviewed the best combat combos and chains you can use in Dynasty Warriors 9. Don’t forget to practice in-game to try different combos and find the one that suits your character. Have fun!

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a legendary series known for action-packed game mechanics and exciting battles. Defeating enemies by using the right weapon combinations is an important strategy element in the game. In this article, we will present you the most effective combat combos and chains in Dynasty Warriors 9.

1. Twin Sabers:

Dual swords are known for their fast and effective attacks and are one of the most preferred weapons in Dynasty Warriors 9. Thanks to its speed and attack power, you can quickly defeat enemies. Follow these steps to chain your enemies using Twin Sabers’ effective combos:

Step Movement 1.

Basic attack (Square or X button)


Second attack (Square or X button)


Third attack (Triangle or Y button)


Special attack combination (R1 or RB button Square or X button)

With these combinations, you can defeat your enemies using the combination of speed and power of characters with dual swords.

2. Great Axe:

Great axes are capable of dealing massive damage over a wide area with a single blow. They are known for their strength and devastating attacks. You can follow the steps below to make effective combos using the Great Ax in Dynasty Warriors 9:

Step Movement 1.

Basic attack (Square or X button)


Second attack (Square or X button)


Third attack (Triangle or Y button)


Special attack combination (R1 or RB button Square or X button)

With the heavy movements of big axes, you can inflict great damage on your enemies in a single attack. During these combinations, be careful to execute your attacks at the right time to chain your enemies.

3. Bow:

Bows are weapons that allow you to attack from a distance, and you can attack your enemies with harpoons from a wide area. It is preferred by players who want to deal critical damage to their enemies in the game. To make an effective bow combo:

Step Movement 1.

Basic attack (Square or X button)


Second attack (Square or X button)


Third attack (Triangle or Y button)


Air attack (hold attack button after jumping with X or A button)


Quick arrow attacks (shoot consecutive arrows by quickly pressing the Square or X button)

Attacking enemies from a distance with bows is a very effective strategy when fighting alliances and factions. As you move and turn left and right, you can use fast arrow attacks to inflict great damage on your enemies.

As a result, the weapon combinations and chains used to defeat enemies are of great importance in Dynasty Warriors 9. With a good strategy and correct timing, you can defeat your enemies using these combinations. Dual swords, great axes, and bows are weapons chosen to suit different play styles and in-game objectives. In the game, you can choose the weapon that best suits your playing style and achieve victory by skillfully using combinations and chains.

Dynasty Warriors 9 is an action game developed and published by Koei Tecmo Games. In the game, players control warriors and participate in major battles during the Three Kingdoms period in Chinese history. However, it may not always be easy to protect yourself from the chain attacks of your enemies in the game. In this article, we will talk about some effective tactics to protect against enemy chain attacks in Dynasty Warriors 9.

Predict and Block Attacks

In the game, your enemies usually make chain attacks instead of attacking one by one. Recognizing and anticipating these attack patterns gives you the opportunity to block and respond to attacks. When the time comes when the enemy is likely to attack, block the attack by quickly pressing the block button. Remember, making the right move at the right time is extremely important.

Moving Fast

One of the most effective ways to avoid chain attacks from enemies is to move quickly. Characters in the game have various fast movement abilities. Using these abilities, you can leave the area of ​​​​enemy attacks and avoid the attack. Additionally, moving quickly can also allow enemies to interrupt their combos and disrupt their attacks.

Stay Out of Enemy Field of View

It is important to stay out of enemy line of sight to avoid being caught in the chain attacks of enemies on the battlefield. If enemies cannot see you, their attacks will also fail. Therefore, try to stay calm on the battlefield without attracting the enemy’s attention. You can also use hiding points on the battlefield to get the enemy to engage you.

Breaking Combos

Another effective way to stop enemies’ chain attacks in Dynasty Warriors 9 is to perform combos yourself. By breaking the enemy’s combo, you can stop his attack and move on to your own attack combos. This gives you both defensive and offensive capabilities. Therefore, try to make the best possible moves to break the enemy’s attack combo.

Tracking Enemies

It is important to monitor enemies to protect against their chain attacks. The movements and attacks of enemies in the game are often repeated, so the enemy has some specific combos or patterns. Learning these combos or patterns allows you to predict attacks and increases your chances of protection.

Suggestions Explanations Be Careful Always be careful on the battlefield. Remember that enemies can attack at any time. Good Timing It is important to make the right move at the right time. Practice anticipating and timing attacks. Use Abilities Don’t forget to use your character’s abilities. Abilities can provide effective defense against enemies.

As stated in the title of the article, there are several effective ways to avoid enemy chain attacks in Dynasty Warriors 9. By using the above tactics, you can provide a better defense and increase your superiority on the battlefield. But remember, practice and knowing enemies’ combos and attack patterns is the key to ensuring your best defense. Good luck and happy fighting!

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a popular action game that allows us to experience the epic battles of the famous Three Kingdoms era warriors. In the game, different characters have unique abilities, and using these abilities correctly will give you an advantage on the path to victory. In this article, we will offer tips to make the most of the special abilities of characters in Dynasty Warriors 9.

1. Power Combos:

Power combos are one of the most basic abilities of every character. These combos are triggered when your basic attacks are executed in succession, dealing extra damage. Each character has a different power combo, so it’s important to learn the skills and combos well. You can gain superiority in battles by applying these combos in the most effective way against your enemies.

2. Special Abilities:

Each character has special abilities that match their warrior identity. These abilities are triggered using special key combinations and increase the character’s strength or deal massive damage to enemies. For example, some characters can perform fast attacks, while others have magical abilities that deal additional damage to enemies. Learning to use your special abilities gives you a great advantage in battles.

3. Chain Combos:

Chain combos refer to combos in which characters can make more effective attacks by using their special abilities sequentially. These combos are accomplished by connecting normal attacks, power combos, and special abilities. For example, you can perform a special attack with a key combination that completes the power combo. Chain combos are important for you to inflict massive damage on your enemies and gain the upper hand in battles.

4. Teamwork:

In Dynasty Warriors 9 you have the ability to control many characters at the same time. This ability can be used to enhance teamwork and combos. For example, while completing one character’s power combo, the other character can use their special ability to deal extra damage. You can create powerful combos by making good use of the abilities of your team members. This will give you a huge advantage in battles.

5. Equipment and Level:

In the game, you can equip your characters with equipment and level up. Equipment increases the attack and defense powers of characters, while leveling up increases the overall strength of characters. To make your characters more effective against enemies, you must choose appropriate equipment and strengthen them regularly. This will help you make the most of your characters’ abilities.

Dynasty Warriors 9 is an exciting action game that allows you to make extensive strategic chain moves. This game aims to convey the conflict-filled atmosphere of China during the Warring States period to the players. It is of great importance to use combat combos and chains well to achieve victory in the game. In this article, we will examine the most effective combat combos and chains in Dynasty Warriors 9.

Character Selection

Choosing the right character as the first step is the basis for success in battle. Each character has different abilities, weapons and combos. Some characters use faster and lighter weapons, while others prefer slower and heavier weapons. For example, a heavy weapon-carrying character like Zhang Fei can help you subdue your enemies, while a faster character like Zhao Yun will allow you to cut down enemies faster. Choose the best character considering your playing style and preferences.

Combination Techniques

Each character has unique combination abilities. These combinations allow you to effectively target a single enemy or a group of enemies. For example, some characters can throw enemies into the air or shake them, helping them penetrate defenses. By using these combinations, you can defeat your enemies more effectively and start chain moves.

Below we have listed some popular combination techniques that can be effective in Dynasty Warriors 9:

Character Combination Technique Zhang Fei Three-hit combo followed by a follow-up free kick by throwing them into the air Lu Bu Two-hit combo followed by running quickly and charging again Sima Zhao Switching to chain moves by dragging enemies on the ground after attack combinations

Chain Movements

To use your character effectively against enemies, you need to use chain moves well. Chain moves allow your combos to link together and allow you to deal higher damage. Additionally, chain moves allow you to control your enemies and defeat them more easily.

To use chain moves in Dynasty Warriors 9, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Start with a Simple Attack Combo: Do ​​a simple attack combo as the first step. After this combo, charge against your enemies at the right time to switch to chain moves.
  2. Use Effective Combinations: Effectively attack your enemies using the combination techniques mentioned above and engage them in chain moves.
  3. Watch Enemies: Watch your enemies’ reactions and movements while using chain moves. This way you can defeat them more effectively and direct your attacks.
  4. Keep Combo Chains Continuous: Keep your enemies under control and deal high damage by continuing your combos uninterruptedly. Try to continue your attacks by keeping your enemies in the air.

Remember, each character has different combos and chain moves. It is important to choose the one that best suits your own playing style and preferences. Additionally, understanding how to use your character against your enemies is a critical element for victory.

Dynasty Warriors 9 offers players an action-packed experience with exciting battle combos and chains. With the right character selection and the use of effective combination and chain moves, you can take your steps towards victory. Get ready to overcome the chaos of China’s Warring States period using your best combat combos and chains in Dynasty Warriors 9!

Dynasty Warriors 9 is a unique fighting game that allows for a variety of fighting combos. In this exciting game, players must fight skillfully using the right combos and chains. In this article, we will talk in detail about the most effective battle combos and chains that should be used in Dynasty Warriors 9.

Attack Combos

Attack combos increase players’ ability to inflict high damage and control their enemies. Here are the best attack combos you should use in Dynasty Warriors 9:

Numbering Combo Description 1 Light – Light – Light The player’s normal fast attacks. It is a combo that reduces the energy of its enemies and performs rapid attacks. 2 Heavy – Heavy – Heavy Represents heavy attacks and deals great damage by breaking the enemy’s defenses. Each attack of this combo is lethal. 3 Air – Light – Heavy is a combo that increases your dominance over the enemy while flying in space. Ideal for knocking out your enemy and then switching to consecutive heavy attacks. 4 Light – Light – Charge Performs a timed charging attack on your target at the end of fast attack combos. The final attack of this combo can leave the enemy suspended in the air.

Defense Chains

Defense chains are combos used to improve players’ defensive abilities against the enemy and counter attacks. Here are the most effective defensive chains you should use in Dynasty Warriors 9:

  • Taunt – Block – Counter: Perform a taunt attack to challenge the enemy, then block the enemy’s attacks and counterattack.
  • Dodge – Counter – Dodge: It is a chain of fast movements to dodge attacks from the enemy. Counter attacks, then counter and quickly dodge again.
  • Parry – Counter – Unblockable: It is a special defense chain to counter the enemy’s attacks and then counter-attack. For the final attack, use an unblockable attack that will break the enemy’s defenses.

Extra Combos and Chains

There are some extra effective combos and chains you can use in Dynasty Warriors 9:

  • Dash – Light – Special: Quickly dash towards the enemy, then perform quick attacks and finally use a special attack to drain the enemy’s energy.
  • Charge – Release – Finisher: Perform a special charging attack, then release the attack to increase the pressure on the enemy and finish with a heavy finishing attack.

There are many more combos and chains you can use in Dynasty Warriors 9. The combos on this list are just a few examples, and it’s important to choose the ones that best suit your playstyle. Using your character’s features and abilities, you can create your own unique combos and gain superiority in battle. We wish you luck!

Dynasty Warriors 9 Best Battle Combos and Chains,Defeat enemies in Dynasty Warriors 9 with the most effective weapon combinations,Tactics to protect against enemy chain attacks in Dynasty Warriors 9,Making the most of characters’ special abilities in Dynasty Warriors 9,Strategic chain Step for victory in Dynasty Warriors 9 with his moves, the most effective battle combo to use in Dynasty Warriors 9

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