Dead or Alive 6 Fighting Styles: Choosing by Character

Dead or Alive 6 Fighting Styles: Choosing by Character

Dead or Alive 6 is a fighting video game developed and published by Temco Koei. It is the sixth game of the DoA series and was released on March 1, 2019. There are different characters in the game, and each of them offers players different fighting styles. In this article, we will discuss in detail the fighting styles that can be chosen by character in Dead or Alive 6.

1. Ryu Hayabusa

Ryu Hayabusa is a character we know from the Ninja Gaiden series. In Dead or Alive 6, he uses “ninjitsu”, a fast and technical fighting style. Ryu has the ability to pressure his opponents with rapid attacks. He can also skillfully use swords, which are ninja weapons. Players may prefer Ryu for his fast movement and attack abilities.

2. Kasumi

Kasumi is a ninja character who debuted in the original Dead or Alive game and is one of the most iconic members of the character cast. His fighting style focuses on speed and acrobatic moves. Players can gain an advantage over their opponents with quick combinations and aerial moves.

3. Jann Lee

Jann Lee is a character in the Dead or Alive series known for his unique fighting style and his use of Jeet Kune Do, a fighting style based on action movie stars. Jann Lee has the ability to deal a big blow to players with his fast and powerful punches. Players can put pressure on their opponents with agile moves and powerful punches.

4. Helena Douglas

Helena Douglas is a character who is the daughter of a wealthy family and learns martial arts from student fighter Jeanne. Helena’s fighting style consists of elegant and fast movements. Players can quickly attack and defend against their opponents by using their combinations.

5. Bayman

Bayman is a character who is a Russian special forces soldier. He uses his unique fighting style, “Systema”. Bayman can use powerful attacks to knock down and catch his opponents. Players can defeat their opponents using powerful blows and fighting techniques.

6.Tina Armstrong

Tina Armstrong is another iconic character in the Dead or Alive series. Tina can put pressure on her opponents using wrestling techniques. Players can neutralize their opponents with powerful grabs and attacks. Tina is a strong and resilient character.

7. Zack

Zack is one of the funny and colorful characters in the Dead or Alive series. Zack is a character who can deliver powerful hits that can stun his enemies. Players can make quick and unexpected moves to surprise their opponents. Zack is a character with a fun fighting style.

8. Leifang

Leifang is a Chinese fighter in the Dead or Alive series and uses the Wing Chun fighting style in the game. Leifang can overwhelm his opponents with quick punches and powerful leg techniques. Players can gain an advantage over their opponents by making quick combinations.

Dead or Alive 6 features many characters that offer a variety of fighting styles. Players must make choices taking into account the characters’ fighting styles and abilities. Do you want a character like Ryu Hayabusa who puts pressure with fast and technical attacks? Or do you want to choose a strong and resilient character like Tina Armstrong? Remember that each character has a unique fighting style and use them to their fullest extent to increase your gaming enjoyment.

Dead or Alive 6 is a popular game that fighting game lovers are eagerly awaiting and playing with excitement. One of the most important features of this game is that the characters have different fighting styles. Each character’s unique abilities and fighting style are an important factor for players to consider when choosing. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the fighting styles of the characters in Dead or Alive 6, which will help you make your choice.

Fighting Styles and Characters

The characters in Dead or Alive 6 have various fighting styles. Each character is presented to the players with different fighting techniques and abilities. Below you can find some important characters and their fighting styles.

Character Fighting Style Kasumi Ninjutsu Jann Lee Jeet Kune Do Bass Armstrong Professional Wrestling Tina Armstrong Wrestling / Pro-Wrestling Ryu Hayabusa Ninjutsu

The table above gives just a few examples. Other characters in the game also have their own fighting styles.

Characteristics of Fighting Styles

Fighting styles in Dead or Alive 6 are an important element that showcases each character’s strengths and weaknesses. Each fighting style has different attack and defense techniques and offers a different gaming experience. Here are the characteristics of some fighting styles:

  • Ninjutsu: This fighting style can be seen in characters such as Ryu Hayabusa and Kasumi. They attract attention with their fast and acrobatic movements. They usually try to neutralize their opponents with their close combat skills.
  • Jeet Kune Do: Characters such as Jann Lee have the Jeet Kune Do fighting style. In this style, fast kick and punch combinations are at the forefront. Characters can surprise their opponents by making fast attacks.
  • Professional Wrestling: Characters such as Bass Armstrong have a professional wrestling fighting style with powerful and impressive fighting combinations. This fighting style aims to inflict heavy blows on opponents with powerful kicks and punches.

These are just a few examples, you can also explore other fighting styles available in Dead or Alive 6.

Things to Consider When Making a Choice

There are some factors you need to consider when choosing a character in Dead or Alive 6. Here are some of these factors:

  • Play Style: Which fighting style suits your play style better? Do you want to make fast and acrobatic moves, or do you want to defeat your opponents with powerful blows?
  • Abilities: What are the characters’ special abilities? Choosing a character with abilities that suit your play style can increase your chances of success.
  • Opponents: One of the most important parts of the game is the opponents. It is important to research your opponents’ fighting styles and abilities and make your choice accordingly.

To summarize, it is important to consider fighting styles when choosing characters in Dead or Alive 6. Each character has a different fighting style, enriching the gaming experience. Considering your own playing style and preferences, you can choose your character and defeat your opponents.

Dead or Alive 6 is a production that fighting game lovers are eagerly awaiting. There are different characters in the game and each character has its own fighting style. In this article, we will examine the fighting styles of fast and agile characters in detail.

Fighting Style Selection

When you first step into Dead or Alive 6, you will encounter different characters. Each character has a unique fighting style, and these fighting styles can sometimes give you a big advantage in defeating your opponent. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the fighting style when choosing a character.

In this article, we will focus on the fighting styles of fast and agile characters. These characters are often used to defeat opponents who cannot keep up with their opponents’ speed.

Advantages of Fast and Agile Characters

Fast and agile characters stand out with their mobility and fast attacks. These characters can often retreat quickly after their attacks and gain an advantage by dealing massive damage to their opponent. Additionally, fast and agile characters generally have low damage resistance, making them more difficult prey.

Fast and agile characters’ fighting styles focus mostly on melee and attack combinations. The fast attacks of these characters can surprise the opponent and gain superiority with their speed. They mostly use quick kicks and punches to put pressure on their opponents.

Choosing by Characters

There are different fast and agile characters in Dead or Alive 6. Each character has a unique fighting style and therefore character selection allows you to gain an advantage over your opponent.

Character Fighting Style Kasumi Ninjutsu Ayane Ihonryu Aiki Hayate Hayabusa-style Aikijutsu Ryu Hayabusa Ninjutsu Hitomi Karate

The characters mentioned above are provided as examples only. Each character’s fighting style should be considered along with the abilities they possess. For example, ninjutsu master Kasumi surprises her opponents with her fast and flexible attacks, while karate master Hitomi can inflict great damage on her opponent with her powerful combinations.


Dead or Alive 6 is a game that brings together fast and agile characters as well as many different fighting styles. Fast and agile characters’ fighting styles focus on combinations of speed and attacks to give players an advantage over their opponents. It is important to consider fighting style when choosing a character in the game. Each character has a unique fighting style, and this style can play a big role in defeating your opponent.

The Dead or Alive series has its own place in the world of fighting games. It has always managed to please its fans with its rich character options, impressive visuals and fluid gameplay. Dead or Alive 6 also offers a variety of fighting styles to meet these expectations. In this article, we will discuss the importance of Dead or Alive 6’s fighting styles and the impact of choosing based on characters.

The Importance of Fighting Styles

Since Dead or Alive 6 is a game where skill and strategy combine, fighting styles are of great importance. Each character has a unique fighting style, allowing players to try different tactics and improve themselves. Fighting styles add depth to the game and allow players to become more skilled in the competitive environment.

The fighting styles in the game are shaped according to the story and abilities of the characters. This allows players to choose the fighting style that best suits them. For example, fighting styles may be more aggressive for fast-moving characters, while a more defensive style may be preferred for heavy characters.

Choosing by Character

Dead or Alive 6’s fighting styles have a big impact on character selection. Since each character has a unique fighting style, players can choose the characters that best suit their playstyle. While some players prefer faster and more maneuverable characters, others may prefer to control a stronger and heavier character.

The effect of fighting styles on characters determines players’ strategies. In order to be effective against the opponent’s tactics, a player can identify the weak points of the opponent’s character and choose a fighting style that suits him. For example, if the opponent character is fast and mobile, he can choose a more defensive fighting style, restricting his movements and exploiting his weak point.

Character and Fighting Styles with Table

Character Fighting Style Kasumi Ninjutsu Jann Lee Jeet Kune Do Tina Armstrong Professional Wrestling Bayman Sambo

The table above shows some of the characters and fighting styles featured in Dead or Alive 6. Since each character has a unique fighting style, players can refer to this table when making choices.

Character selection is important to succeed in the game. Players can strategize more effectively by choosing characters that best suit their playstyle. Fighting styles provide players with unique experiences while also enriching the gameplay of Dead or Alive 6.

Dead or Alive 6 fighting styles emphasize the importance of choosing based on characters. Each character’s unique fighting style provides the opportunity to try different strategies in the game. Comparing characters and fighting styles with the help of a table helps players make more informed choices. Remember that the character you choose with the right fighting style will give you an advantage over your opponents.

Dead or Alive 6 is a popular fighting game that offers a unique fighting experience. The various characters featured in the game have different strategic and technical fighting styles. In this article, we will explain in detail how to choose strategic and technical fighting styles for each character in Dead or Alive 6.

Strategic Fighting Styles

In Dead or Alive 6, each character has a different strategic fighting style. Proper use of this style helps the player gain the upper hand in combat.

  • Aggressiveness: Some characters have an aggressive fighting style. These characters aim to gain superiority by squeezing their opponents with their fast and powerful attacks. Aggressive characters are usually experts in close combat techniques and can surprise the opponent with surprise moves.
  • Defensive: Another group of characters have a defensive fighting style. These characters aim to wear down their opponents by blocking their attacks and look for their own opportunities. Defensive characters have powerful blocking and parrying techniques.
  • Balance: Some characters have a fighting style that provides a balance between aggression and defensiveness. These characters fight effectively against their opponents using both offensive tactics and defensive techniques.

Technical Fighting Styles

There are also different technical fighting styles in Dead or Alive 6. These styles allow characters to gain an advantage over their opponents by using their special abilities and combinations.

Fighting Style Description Acrobatic This style aims to defeat its opponents with fast and acrobatic movements. They can surprise their opponents with quick attack combinations and aerial moves. Strong This style aims to defeat opponents with powerful combos and high damage in single hits. Despite their slow movements, strong characters’ hits are quite effective. Agile This style is a style that can be used by characters with fast movement abilities. Agile characters can quickly cover short distances with their opponents and surprise them with sudden attacks. Balanced This style aims to keep the general characteristics of the characters in balance. Balanced characters have moderate speed, strength and mobility, and can suit any fighting style.

Understanding the strategic and technical fighting styles of each character in Dead or Alive 6 is important for players to play the game successfully. Choosing the character that best suits your own play style and preferences will help you gain the upper hand in combat and provide you with an enjoyable experience.

Remember, there is a balance between fighting styles and characters. Offensive characters may be faster and defensive characters may be more durable. You can develop your own strategy by trying different fighting styles to enjoy the game and defeat your opponents.

Thanks to the strategic and technical fighting styles of the characters in the game, each fight is unique and exciting. Some characters that are easier for beginners may be more challenging for experienced players. The important thing is to enjoy the game and improve your skills.

You can choose your favorite character in Dead or Alive 6 and discover his strategic and technical fighting style. You can achieve victory in the game by managing to defeat your opponents with their special abilities. Have a good fight!

Dead or Alive 6 is a popular fighting game that offers an action-packed fighting experience with its predecessors. In this game where there are different characters, each character has his or her own fighting style. In this article, we will explain in detail how to choose a fighting style for the character in Dead or Alive 6.

What are Fighting Styles?

In fighting games, characters often have different fighting styles. Fighting style determines the fighting techniques and characteristics a character can use in battle. In Dead or Alive 6, each character has a unique fighting style. These styles affect the characters’ fighting moves and tactics.

How to Choose a Fighting Style?

In Dead or Alive 6, fighting style selection is made after selecting a character. On the character selection screen of the game, there is information about the fighting styles next to the characters. You can get detailed information about the character’s fighting style and features. This information gives you an idea about the balance and strategy of the game.

Each character’s fighting style is chosen from the basic fighting styles in the game. Fighting styles in the game include various options such as Drop-Grapple, Stun, Hand-to-Hand, Balance and Quick Strike. These options affect the character’s combat skills and abilities in different ways.

Fighting Style Selection According to Character

In Dead or Alive 6, each character has a unique fighting style. Each character’s fighting style is designed to match the character’s story and personality. For example, a character known for his fast and acrobatic moves may have a fighting style based more on quick strikes and defense.

Additionally, characters’ fighting styles may also reflect a particular role or playstyle in the game. For example, some characters can deal damage with powerful single hits, while others can put pressure on their opponents with quick combos and moves. Therefore, fighting style selection is an important factor in choosing the character that best suits your play style.

Strategy in Choosing a Fighting Style

Strategy is an important factor in fighting games. In Dead or Alive 6, you should also consider your strategy when choosing a fighting style according to the character. Choosing a fighting style that can utilize your character’s strengths can put you in an advantageous position.

Besides choosing a fighting style, it is also important to analyze your opponent’s character and play style. If you choose a fighting style that can exploit your opponent’s weaknesses, you can put pressure on him and take control of the fight.


Choosing a character’s fighting style in Dead or Alive 6 is a strategically important step in the gaming experience. Each character has a unique fighting style, and these styles affect the character’s fighting skills and abilities. You can gain a strategic advantage by basing your fighting style on the character’s personality, your gameplay style, and your opponent’s character. Remember, a good strategy along with the choice of fighting style is the key to success in the game.

Dead or Alive 6 Fighting Styles: Choosing According to Character, Fighting styles of characters based on muscle strength, Fighting styles of fast and agile characters, Importance of fighting styles in Dead or Alive 6, Fighting styles of strategic and technical characters, Fighting styles of characters based on muscle strength, Character in Dead or Alive 6 How to choose a fighting style?

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