Blacksite: Area 51 Armor and Weapons Guide: Best Picks

Blacksite: Area 51 Armor and Weapons Guide: Best Picks

Blacksite: Area 51 Armor and Weapons Guide: Best Picks

Blacksite: Area 51 is a popular science fiction first-person shooter game developed by Raven Software and published by Midway Games in 2004. The game is based on Area 51, a famous American military base where secret UFO research is conducted. Players take on the role of a member of a military unit and must choose the right weapons and armor to successfully complete a series of dangerous missions.

Blacksite: Area 51 initially offers players the opportunity to play in story mode. The game offers players different levels and missions. Players complete a variety of tasks in each mission, such as fighting against enemies, participating in boss battles, and uncovering hidden secrets. Side quests and hidden items are also elements that increase the enjoyment of the game.

Armor Selection

Armors in the game are critical to increase the player’s durability and protect from enemy attacks. There are different types of armor in the game and each has different advantages. Here are the best armor picks:

Armor Type Durability Speed ​​Defense Black Elite Armor High Medium High Silver Agile Armor Medium High Medium Bronze Protective Armor Low High Medium

  • Black Elite Armor: Allows players to survive longer thanks to its high durability and defense. Medium speed allows the player to move quickly and gives an advantage in avoiding enemies.
  • Silver Agile Armor: Provides medium durability and defense. High speed allows the player to quickly neutralize enemies. It may be preferred for players who want to be more agile in their attacks.
  • Bronze Protective Armor: Has low durability, but offers high speed. It can be preferred in situations where the player needs to move quickly and avoid enemies.

Weapon Selection

In Blacksite: Area 51, players use a variety of weapons to fight enemies. Each weapon has special abilities and a specific type of enemy they are effective against. Here are the best weapon picks:

Weapon Damage Rate of Fire Range Assault Rifle High Medium Medium Shotgun Very High Low Short Sniper Rifle High Low Long

  • Assault Rifle: You can quickly neutralize enemies thanks to its high damage and medium fire rate. Its medium range makes it effective in tactical attacks and at long range.
  • Shotgun: It is an effective weapon in close combat with its very high damage. Although it has a low firing rate, you can hit enemies powerfully with its short range.
  • Sniper Rifle: Ideal for long-distance attacks with its high damage and low firing rate. Thanks to its long range, you can neutralize enemies while staying at a safe distance from them.

Blacksite: Area 51 Armor and Weapon Guide provides players with information on the best armor and weapon choices. These choices will help players create a more solid in-game strategy and defeat enemies more effectively. Besides armor and weapons, it is important to improve your gaming skills. With the right tactics and careful play, you can defeat the mysterious enemies in Area 51.

Blacksite: Area 51 is known as an exciting FPS game. In the game, you must use effective tactics to survive while exploring the secret military base. In this guide, we will provide detailed information about Blacksite: Area 51’s best picks and most effective tactics.

1. Create Your Plan

Blacksite: Area 51’s most influential players make a plan before they act. In the game, it is important to determine a separate strategy for each stage. If you want, you can follow a defensive strategy or choose a more offensive tactic. Observe your environment carefully when creating your plan and don’t be afraid to use your team’s strengths.

2. Choose Your Lethal Weapons

One of the most important things to survive in the game is to choose the most effective weapons. There are many different weapons in Blacksite: Area 51, and each has different features. Choosing the weapon that suits your goals and best suits your play style can increase your chances of survival. For example, you can choose a sniper rifle that is effective against long-range targets, or a shotgun that excels in close combat.

Weapon Type Features Shotgun Deals high damage in close combat. Sniper Rifle Effective against long range targets. Assault Rifle Can be used at all distances. RPG Deals massive damage and is effective against groups.

3. Practice Teamwork

Blacksite: Area 51 emphasizes the importance of teamwork. Communicate well with your team and support each other. If you learn to use the team’s strengths in the game, you can defeat your opponents more easily. For example, when a teammate is attacking, you can support them with a shotgun or sniper rifle that cuts like a sword.

4. Use Your Bullets Wisely

Remember that you have limited ammunition in the game. Improve your aiming skills to avoid wasting your bullets. Before shooting towards enemies, analyze enemy movements and wait for the optimal moment before aiming. Also, make smart moves against enemy groups to use your ammunition effectively.

5. Take Cover and Move

Blacksite: Movement in Area 51 must be combined with taking cover, an important element of survival. Choose appropriate positions for your targets and take cover while under enemy fire. Also remember to move when under enemy fire. Avoid being a static target and prevent the enemy from targeting you easily.

6. Exploit the Enemy’s Weaknesses

Enemies in the game come with certain weaknesses. You can defeat enemies more easily by using these weaknesses. For example, you can successfully inflict damage using your sniper rifle against enemies with weak armor. Additionally, the game also features large enemies called Bosses. Identifying the weak points of these Boss enemies and acting accordingly will allow you to defeat them faster.

7. Use Your Equipment Correctly

To effectively survive Blacksite: Area 51, it is important to use the right equipment. There are different equipment in the game and all of them can be to the advantage of the players. For example, grenades are ideal for quickly clearing groups of enemies. You can quickly refill your health using the medical kit or increase your resistance using armor equipment. You can gain advantage by using your equipment at the right time and in the right way.

You can use the tactics mentioned above to survive in Blacksite: Area 51. Factors such as careful planning, choosing the right weapon, teamwork, good aiming skills, mobility and exploiting the enemy’s weaknesses make it easier for you to survive in the game. By applying all these, you can have a successful gaming experience in Blacksite: Area 51.

Blacksite: Area 51 is an action-packed video game. Players must infiltrate Area 51, a secret facility, neutralize enemies and use the best weapon and armor combinations for defense. In this article, we will explore the best picks for offense and defense.

1. Weapons:

In Blacksite: Area 51, there are many different types of weapons. Some deal more damage while others have a higher rate of fire. Here are some top options:

Weapon Features p90 SMG Fast rate of fire and high precision M4A1 Assault Rifle High damage power and long range Shotgun High damage at close range Sniper Rifle Long range and high damage with a single shot

2. Armors:

Choosing the right armor can greatly increase the player’s chances of survival. There are different armor levels in Blacksire: Area 51. Here are some top options:

  • Light Armor: Allows faster movement but offers less protection.
  • Medium Armor: Provides a balanced level of speed and protection.
  • Heavy Armor: Ideal especially for defense, but reduces movement speed.

3. Best Combinations:

It’s important to use the best weapon and armor combinations that suit all play styles. Here are some examples:

  • Fast Mobility: When the p90 SMG is combined with Light Armor, you can quickly defeat your enemies thanks to its fast movement ability and rapid fire rate.
  • Balanced Gameplay: The M4A1 Assault Rifle and Medium Armor provide balanced speed and protection. With this combination, you can optimize both your offensive and defensive abilities.
  • Attack Focused: Shotgun and Heavy Armor are ideal for intense attacks at close range. This combination will help you neutralize your enemies.
  • Remote Attack: You can neutralize your enemies from a distance by choosing the Sniper Rifle. In this case, Light Armor will give you more freedom of movement when using the Sniper Rifle.

Players can also try different combinations depending on their playing style and preferences. Without exception, no matter what combination you choose, it is important to regularly update your weapons and armor.

Remember, each weapon and armor has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can discover the best options by experimenting in the game and trying different combinations.


In Blacksite: Area 51, choosing the best weapon and armor combinations for attack and defense is vital. Choosing combinations that specifically suit your playing style and preferences will enable you to achieve success in the game. Remember, it’s also important to regularly update your weapons and armor and try out new options. Good luck!

Blacksite: Area 51 Armor and Weapons Guide: Best Picks

Blacksite: Area 51 is a place that has remained a mystery for many years and is surrounded by countless conspiracy theories. This base has been equipped with various armor and weapons over the years, and these items have played a major role in the defense of the base. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the best armor and weapons available in Blacksite: Area 51.

Armor Options

The best armors available in Blacksite: Area 51 have a variety of features that are used for both offensive and defensive purposes. Here are some options:

Armor Type Features 1. Power Armor It is resistant to major impacts and offers high mobility. 2. Stealth Armor Absorbs sounds and provides invisibility, allowing enemies to approach you without noticing. 3. Energy Shields Provide protection against projectiles and energy attacks, but mobility is slightly restricted.

These armors allow you to choose according to different missions and player styles in Blacksite: Area 51. If you’re prone to surprise attacks, Stealth Armor may be the best choice for you. Energy Shields can be preferred for situations that require a more careful strategy.

Weapon Options

Weapons in Blacksite: Area 51 are as diverse as armor and give users a huge advantage. Here are the best options in this area:

  • Pulse Rifle: This electromagnetic wave-based weapon can neutralize enemies by firing high energy shots.
  • Plasma Launcher: Firing a powerful plasma projectile, this weapon is capable of dealing massive damage.
  • Sniper Rifle: This sniper rifle, which allows you to focus on distant targets, can neutralize enemies with a single accurate shot.
  • Shotgun: Effective at close range, this weapon deals great damage to enemies and can leave them defenseless.

These weapons can be used on different battlefields and against enemy types in Blacksite: Area 51. While Pulse Rifle can be effective against stronger enemies, Sniper Rifle can be preferred in long-distance battles.


Blacksite: Area 51 offers many options in terms of armor and weapon selection to suit different player styles. Different types of armor, such as Power Armor, Stealth Armor, and Energy Shields, provide players with customizable and effective defense. Likewise, different weapons such as Pulse Rifle, Plasma Launcher, Sniper Rifle and Shotgun offer players the opportunity to try different tactics. When choosing the best armor and weapons in Blacksite: Area 51, do not forget to take your own play style and missions into consideration. Have fun!

Blacksite: Area 51 is a popular FPS game where players experience thrilling action. This game challenges players to infiltrate a secret military base and neutralize enemies. Making the right armor and weapon choices is vital to successfully completing this mission. In this guide, we’ll look at the best armor and weapons to help you triumph in Blacksite: Area 51.

Armor Choices

In Blacksite: Area 51, it is important to choose appropriate armor to increase your character’s durability and protect against enemy fire. Below you can find the most effective armors and their features:

Armor Type Durability Speed ​​Range Light Armor Medium High Low Medium Armor High Medium Medium Heavy Armor Very High Low High

Light Armor increases your speed, allowing you to evade enemy fire. If you are an agile player and want more freedom of movement, you can choose this armor. Medium armor is a balanced option, boosting your character’s stamina and preserving mobility. If you want to be more resistant to enemy fire, you can choose Heavy Armor. This armor can increase your character’s durability while decreasing his speed.

Weapon Choices

Choosing the right weapon is critical to neutralizing enemies in Blacksite: Area 51, an action-packed FPS game. Below you can find the most effective weapons and their features:

  • Assault Rifle: A multi-purpose weapon with average range. It can be used in both single fire and burst fire modes.
  • Shotgun: It is a weapon that deals high damage at close range. It is generally effective in lane battles.
  • Sniper Rifle: It is a long-range, high-precision weapon. It is an ideal choice for snipers.
  • Submachine Gun: It is a weapon that fires quickly and neutralizes enemies quickly. It is effective in close and medium distance combat.
  • Rocket Launcher: An explosive weapon used against groups. It deals high damage, but its ammunition is limited.

These weapons are preferred depending on various game situations and the type of role you play. Each weapon has its own advantages and usage characteristics. In some situations, you can develop various tactics by combining different weapons.

At the same time, improving basic skills such as reloading and aiming will allow you to achieve greater success in Blacksite: Area 51. It is important to aim and shoot enemies accurately. In addition, you can also use side weapons such as grenades and other special abilities. This allows you to implement a variety of strategies and increases your chances of success.


Blacksite: Area 51 is an exciting game that can be played successfully with the right choice of armor and weapons. It is important to choose your armor and weapons according to your play style and game situations. The best picks we share in this guide will give you an advantage and enable you to defeat enemies more effectively. Enjoy the game and use the right armor and weapon combinations to achieve victory!

Title: Blacksite: Area 51 Armor and Weapons Guide – Best Picks

Blacksite: Area 51 attracts the attention of game lovers as an action-packed first-person shooter game. In the game, we fight enemies and try to survive while exploring the mysterious lands located in a secret military facility. In order to progress successfully and gain superiority over enemies, choosing the right armor and weapons is very important.

Armor Selection

Armor is vital to the preservation of our character. There are different types of armor in Blacksite: Area 51 and each has different properties. When deciding which armor to choose, we must consider the following factors:

  • Protection Level: It is important how much protection the armor provides. Armor with a higher level of protection can better withstand enemy attacks.
  • Speed ​​and Maneuverability: While some armors are lighter and increase the character’s mobility, some are heavier and may reduce the character’s speed. You should choose the one that suits your own playing style and preferences.
  • Special Abilities: Some armor in the game offers special abilities. For example, armor with features such as increased damage resistance or health regen can increase your chances of survival. You should make your choice considering these.

Weapon Selection

Weapons are essential for survival in Blacksite: Area 51. There are many different weapon options in the game and each has different usage advantages. Here are some factors you should consider when choosing a weapon:

  • Type and Purpose: There are different types of weapons. Some are automatic weapons, some are sniper rifles or rocket launchers. You should choose the one that suits the needs of the game and your own playing style, and use the weapon that best serves your mission.
  • Color: Some weapons in the game have special colors that can give them an extra advantage against their enemies. Using these colors can allow you to spot enemies faster or deal more damage.
  • Attachments: Different attachments attached to weapons can increase their performance. For example, add-ons such as binoculars, silencers or tactical flashlights can make your tasks in the game easier.

Weapon Type Purpose Color Attachments M4 Carbine Automatic Rifle General Purpose Green Scope, Silencer AWP Scharfschützengewehr Sniper Rifle Long Range Targets Black High Zoom Scope RPG-7 Rocket Launcher Hitting Vehicles and Structures Red Versatile Explosive Warhead

By looking at the table above, you can better understand the features and intended uses of different weapons. Doing detailed research in the game will help you choose a better weapon.

Blacksite: Area 51 is a game where our armor and weapon choices have a significant impact on our gaming experience. Choosing armor and weapons that best suit our own play style allows us to enjoy the action-packed gaming atmosphere while increasing our chances of survival.

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