Best Fighting Techniques and Strategies in Sleeping Dogs

Best Fighting Techniques and Strategies in Sleeping Dogs


Sleeping Dogs is an open-world action-role-playing game about Hong Kong police officer Wei Shen taking his place in the underworld. Fighting has great importance in the game and players need to use some strategies and techniques to be successful.

Basic Fighting Moves

Basic fighting moves are very important in the game. Here are some basic fighting moves you can use in Sleeping Dogs:

  • Press the “Square” button to throw an effective punch.
  • To make a direct hit, press and hold the “Square” button repeatedly.
  • Press the “Round” button to counterattack.
  • Hold down the “L2” button to defend against the enemy’s attack.
  • Press the “Square” and “Triangle” button simultaneously to block the enemy’s melee attacks.

Strategic Moves

You can do more than just punch your enemies in Sleeping Dogs. Here are some strategic moves you can use in the game:

  • Successfully spin “Circular” to attack enemies on the ground.
  • Press the “Triangle” button to perform melee attacks. Then quickly press the “Square” button repeatedly.
  • Hold down the “L1” button to capture enemies using Iye’s command.
  • Press the “X” button to push or throw enemies.

Slowed Combat

Slowed combat in Sleeping Dogs can give you an advantage in big fights. Here are some strategies for using slowed combat effectively:

  • Press the “L1” button to activate slowed combat.
  • Use slowed combat to hit your targets easier.
  • You can deal more damage by using slowed combat on multiple enemies.
  • Take out your enemies one by one by using your competitive advantage in slowed combat.

Using the Environment

Using the environment effectively can help you gain the upper hand in combat in Sleeping Dogs. Here are strategies for using the environment:

  • Press the “Triangle” button to launch the punching enemy into a wall or pole.
  • Press the “Square” button to throw surrounding objects at enemies.
  • Hold down the “L1” button to strangle an enemy with long thin things.


Fighting in Sleeping Dogs is an important part of the game and you need to use the right techniques and strategies to achieve your goal. This article contains many tips, from basic fighting moves to strategic moves and techniques for using the environment. By using these techniques appropriately, you can succeed in the game and protect Wei Shen’s place in Hong Kong’s underworld.

Offering the opportunity to dive into the harsh world of the Chinese mafia, Sleeping Dogs offers players an impressive fighting experience. However, to succeed in the game you need not only fighting skills but also a playing style. In this article, we will take a look at the best fighting techniques and strategies that will help you determine your own play style in Sleeping Dogs.

Improving Defense Skills

To survive in fight scenes, you must have the ability to defend yourself as a fighter. In addition to the fighting techniques available in Sleeping Dogs, you can also gain an advantage by improving your defense skills. You can develop strategies such as blocking your opponents’ attacks and avoiding them instead of confronting them. In this way, you will have a better defense against your opponents while taking less damage.

When using ranged combat skills, you must use good timing to block your enemies’ attacks. This allows you to successfully block attacks from enemies and quickly counterattack. You can also fend off enemies and gain an advantage by using the objects around you.

Using Environmental Factors

Sleeping Dogs offers players a vast open world with an impressive depiction of the game world. This means that the environment can be used to gain an advantage in combat. While fighting, you can neutralize your enemies by using the objects around you. These objects include sticks, cutting tools, or even vehicles. You can also gain superiority over your enemies by performing jamming maneuvers at suitable points.

In some fights, players are also given the opportunity to use weapons instead of just fighting with fists. In this case, you can gain an advantage by equipping yourself with weapons and quickly capturing your enemies. However, it is important that you evaluate this situation carefully and use it at appropriate times, because drawing a gun unnecessarily can attract the attention of those around you and lead to undesirable consequences.

Using Combos and Moves

Always use combo moves to gain the upper hand over your opponents in fight scenes. Sleeping Dogs offers you different combinations and attack moves. Learning and practicing these combinations will help you be more effective against your enemies.

There are also unique moves and attacks you can use during the fight scenes in Sleeping Dogs. Using these moves regularly will allow you to improve your fighting skills and use more effective strategies against your enemies.

Agility And Speed

Agility and speed are important factors to survive and gain the upper hand over your enemies in Sleeping Dogs. In the game, fight scenes usually take place at a slowed down pace, giving you the opportunity to predict enemy movements and act quickly against them.

Additionally, the ability to use environmental factors with agility movements is also very important. In Sleeping Dogs, you can move around the environment with parkour-style movements and avoid enemy attacks.


Sleeping Dogs offers a very satisfying experience for fighting game lovers. However, it is important not only to use the game’s existing fighting techniques, but also to develop your own playing style. You can create a better fighting strategy with techniques such as improving your defensive skills, using environmental factors, using combos and unique moves regularly, agility and speed. While determining your own play style in Sleeping Dogs, you can be more successful by taking a look at these strategies.

Sleeping Dogs is a game famous for its exciting fighting scenes. The key to succeeding in the game is to create the right combo and surprise your opponents with quick attacks. In this article, we will take a detailed look at the best fighting techniques and strategies in Sleeping Dogs.

Creating Combos

Creating a combo is using the most effective and damaging moves by combining them in fight scenes. Combos allow you to surprise your opponents and increase your attack power. Here are some effective combo techniques:

Combo Description Queensbury to Choy Lee Fut This combo will stun your opponent with an impressive string of punches and a powerful kick at the end. You can finish with a strong finish after strangling your opponent and high kicks. From Wing Chun to Muay Thai This combo consists of fast and sharp punches followed by a powerful knee strike that knocks out the opponent. You can neutralize your opponent by using Muay Thai techniques after the knee strike. From Kickboxing to Jiu-Jitsu This combo follows with powerful kicks and quick knee strikes followed by a Jiu-Jitsu move that will take your opponent to the ground. You can deal extra damage by keeping your enemy on the ground.

Quick Attacks

You can use quick attacks to surprise your opponents and bypass their defenses. Quick attacks allow you to suddenly approach opponents and deal maximum damage in minimum time. Here are some effective quick attack tactics:

  • Spinning Kick: Suddenly kicking your opponent while spinning will surprise him and help you get past his defenses.
  • Jumping Attack: Approaching your opponent by jumping and attacking suddenly will make him unresponsive and break his defense.
  • Ground Attack: You can use moves that are effective against ground opponents. For example, you can stun your opponent by rolling or deal damage by kicking them from the ground.

When you apply these fast attack tactics to your opponent’s weak points, you can easily defeat him.


Just creating combos and performing quick attacks is not enough; Strategy is also of great importance. Here are effective strategies in Sleeping Dogs:

  • Watch Your Opponents: Carefully follow your opponents’ moves and defend against their attacks. By watching them, you can discover their weak points and make moves accordingly.
  • Break Blocks: Use various combinations and powerful attacks to neutralize your opponents’ blocks. When you break their blocks, you can expose your opponents and deal more damage.
  • Interact with the Environment to Commit Revenge: Sleeping Dogs offers an interactable environment. By interacting with the environment, you can gain an advantage over your enemies. For example, you can hit your enemy against a wall or use an object in the environment to deal damage.
  • Use Super Charge: Super charge allows you to unleash your special abilities during combat. While super charging, you can make much more powerful attacks and defeat your opponents easily.

Using these strategies, you can defeat your opponents in Sleeping Dogs and move forward in the criminal world of the city.

Sleeping Dogs is a fighting game full of combo building and fast attacks. You can surprise your opponents by using effective combo techniques and minimize their damage with fast attacks. Additionally, by using the right strategies, you can break your opponents’ blocks and gain advantage by interacting with the environment. Be careful when practicing these techniques and constantly improve your fighting skills!

Sleeping Dogs is an action-packed fighting game that gives players a great fighting experience on the streets of Hong Kong. To be successful in the game, you need to be a good fighter. In this article, we will talk about tips and best fighting techniques to defeat opponents in Sleeping Dogs.

Improve Your Fighting Skills

To become a good fighter, you must first improve your character’s fighting skills. There are some activities you need to do to increase the character’s fighting abilities.

  • You can earn experience points by fighting with your colleagues. You can upgrade your fighting skills with these points.
  • You can gain experience by participating in fighting tournaments. You will face tougher opponents in each tournament, which will improve your fighting skills.
  • You can learn new fighting techniques by training with masters. You can get help from masters in different regions of Hong Kong.

Learn Effective Techniques

The secret to being a good fighter is being able to use effective techniques. There are many different fighting techniques in Sleeping Dogs and it is important to use these techniques to defeat your opponents.

Technical Description Somersault: Used to jump on your opponent and kick them. This move can surprise your opponent and break their aggression. Knockdown Kicks: By kicking your opponent, you can deprive him of balance and mobility. This makes it harder for your opponent to attack you. Counterattack After blocking your opponent’s attack, you can quickly counterattack. This allows you to make a powerful move. Rapid Punch Attack: You can incapacitate an opponent by quickly punching him. This move is useful in situations where you need to react quickly.

Determine Your Strategy

To win in Sleeping Dogs, you need to have a good strategy. The following strategies can help you beat your competitors:

  • Be mobile: Being mobile during the fight gives you an advantage over your opponents. You can surprise your opponents by executing your attacks quickly and unexpectedly.
  • Analyze the warrior: By identifying your opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, you can predict their tactics. You can gain the upper hand by adjusting your moves accordingly.
  • Use different fighting styles: There are different fighting styles in Sleeping Dogs. These include offensive, defensive and balanced styles. You can try different fighting styles to gain an advantage over your opponents.
  • Use auxiliary objects: You can defeat your opponents by using the objects around you during the fight. Search your surroundings for usable objects and use them strategically in fights.

We hope these tips and strategies will help you defeat your opponents in Sleeping Dogs. Have a good fight!

For hundreds of years, martial arts have been a popular sport and form of self-defense among humans. Many martial arts originating from the Far East have survived to this day while preserving their discipline. However, modern video games have allowed us to bring the excitement and skill of these martial arts into our own homes. Sleeping Dogs is one of these games and offers a realistic fighting experience with its fighting mechanics.

Changing the Fight Scene

In Sleeping Dogs, players can gain advantage during combat by using objects in the environment. These objects can be anything around: a bike chain, a stick, even a refrigerator door! Depending on the players’ initiative, these objects can be used against their opponents.

First of all, changing the fight scene is very important. You can increase your advantage by using the distance between your opponents and the environment. For example, if you found a table, you can throw your opponent onto the table to deal additional damage to him. Additionally, observing objects around you that could be potential “weapons” is another important point you should pay attention to.

Using Objects Effectively

It is possible for every object to be used more effectively than it is. For example, the stick is perfect for being able to effectively hit your opponent from a distance. Once you find a stick, you can repel your enemies’ attacks and defend without letting them get close.

Large objects like boxes can be useful to neutralize your opponents or prevent them from escaping. By trapping your opponents behind such objects, you can leave them defenseless. You can also use surrounding objects found in stores or on the streets. For example, a fire hydrant that can be opened with a hard blow can allow you to win time by squinting your opponents.

Some objects have explosive properties. You can neutralize your opponents and cause major damage by using explosive objects such as cars, motorcycles or gas cylinders. Using such items carefully can help you gain the upper hand during a fight.

Balance of Defense and Attack

It is important to remember that defense is also important in the game, rather than focusing only on attack. It’s important to learn timing to dodge or block your opponents’ attacks. You can also use surrounding objects to protect yourself from the enemy.

In Sleeping Dogs, it is important to use a good balance of attack and defense during combat. You need to find the right timing to beat your opponents. You can gain advantage by using your attacks in the right winds and using surrounding objects.


Sleeping Dogs offers players a unique experience thanks to its realistic fighting mechanics and environmental interaction. Strategies to gain the upper hand in combat using objects in the environment help players improve their fighting skills. Remembering that each object has a different advantage and using it carefully is the key to being a successful fighter.

To become a master fighter, it is of great importance to learn the subtleties of martial arts and practice them expertly. In Sleeping Dogs, as the protagonist Wei Shen, he encounters intense fight scenes and has to deal with dangerous criminal organizations. In this case, knowing effective fighting techniques is vitally important. In this article, we will talk in detail about the best fighting techniques and strategies you can use in Sleeping Dogs.

1. Choosing a Fighting Style

There are multiple fighting styles in Sleeping Dogs. First, Wei Shen’s main fighting style, “Kung Fu”, is a slow but powerful style. This style can be effective against a single enemy. Secondly, the “Strengthening” style allows you to move faster and increases your agility. This style can come in handy when you’re facing a group of enemies. Finally, the “Counter-Attack” style improves your ability to defend and counter your enemy attacks. This style is useful in situations where you need to be able to predict enemies’ movements and react quickly.

2. Blocking and Attack Balancing

One way to be effective in fight scenes is to properly block enemies’ attacks. In Sleeping Dogs, you can use the left mouse button to block. Once you successfully block the enemy’s attack, you can quickly attack. Be careful when blocking, as over-blocking can lower your energy level. When your energy decreases, you may become more vulnerable to enemies.

Attacking strategically is also of great importance. When you encounter a group of enemies, you can use effective attack combinations. When attacking opposing fighters, you may also need to devote energy to blocking an enemy’s attack. Therefore, it is important to manage your energy correctly and maintain a balance between blocking and attacking.

3. Use of Goods and Environment

In Sleeping Dogs, you can defeat your opponents by using objects in the environment. You can use the melee weapons in the game to gain a great advantage against your enemies. When faced with a punch or kick, you can support your attacks by picking up a few objects in the environment, such as sticks or swords.

Additionally, in Sleeping Dogs’ fight scenes, you can damage your enemies by throwing environmental objects at them. When you successfully block attacks or increase your energy level by defeating your enemies, you can make extra effective attacks using various objects in the environment.

4. Kick and Punch Combinations

To be effective in fight scenes, you need to skillfully use kick and punch combinations. There are various kick and punch combinations in Sleeping Dogs, and you can try these combinations to find the most effective ones. Some combinations allow you to quickly neutralize enemies, while other combinations are capable of dealing more damage.

Any enemy cannot be incapacitated by a single punch or kick, so it is important to try various combinations. You need to follow the movements of the enemies and make your counter attacks at the appropriate time. In Sleeping Dogs, strategy is a big advantage, as well as speed and dexterity.

5. Exploiting Opponent Weaknesses

In Sleeping Dogs, each enemy has its own weaknesses and vulnerabilities. You can use these weaknesses to defeat your opponents and make fights easier. Some enemies have strong defenses, while others can take more damage and you can take them out more easily.

During the fight, it is important to monitor your opponents’ movements and discover their weak points. Attacks aimed at weak points can deal more damage and take out enemies faster. For this reason, it is important to be careful and target opponents’ weak points during combat in Sleeping Dogs.

Fighting Style Advantages Disadvantages Kung Fu Strong attacks, high damage Slower movement Strengthening Fast movement, agility Low defensive power Counter-Attack Good defense, fast counter attacks Low attack power

In this article, we have detailed the best fighting techniques and strategies you can use in Sleeping Dogs. We hope this information will help you during the game and help you lead Wei Shen to success in the criminal world. To become an effective fighter, follow your enemies’ movements, make strategic plans and learn to master their fighting styles. Have fun!

Best Fighting Techniques and Strategies in Sleeping Dogs, Fighting Style Selection: Determining Your Own Play Style in Sleeping Dogs, Combo Creation and Fast Attacks: Tactics to Surprise Your Opponents in Sleeping Dogs, Jiu-Jitsu Fundamentals: How to Defeat Your Opponents in Sleeping Dogs Tips, Fighting Using Objects: Strategies for Using Environmental Facilities in Sleeping Dogs, Kickboxing Techniques: Effective Techniques You Can Use in Sleeping Dogs

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